about us

advanced software for workforce planning teams

forecast+ was inspired from years of frustration with a lack of user-friendly, modeling-focused workforce planning tools both within the healthcare sector and abroad. In an industry in which planning has never been more important, health service delivery has long lacked standardized tools to help facilitate critical planning necessary for efficient and effective service delivery.

At forecast+ our mission is to help all health systems plan better and drive better outcomes.  

We believe we can improve outcomes for all health providers and patients by providing critical tools that substantially improve planning processes. Our goal is to eliminate the 'unknowns' associated with health systems planning so systems can deliver what they need when they need it.

our story

clinical practices meet health workforce planning
In what was observed as longstanding industry pain point, forecast+ founders got together and developed a solution. forecast+ combines best-practice methodologies with clinical practices to produce health-workforce analytics and modeling and solve this pain point.

Clinical support: This methodology is supported by years of clinical care and clinical-operational experience.

Workforce management: Experiene showed us that while preliminary or simple models are often easily done in excel, industries like healthcare quickly outgrow excel's limited capacity once you recognize requirements must expand both horizontally and vertically. Daisy-chaining together spreadsheets is both time consuming and incredibly difficult to maintain.
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